The BEST, EFFORTLESS chopsticks in the world 🌎
ChaCha (Korean: 차차): gradually, little by little, eventually
Designed by ‘that Korean girl’ @yesimdiane
CHACHA (차차 ) you’ll get there.
I’ll be on your side until that day.
NEED HELP with CHOPSticks?
Is this you? (It’s OK!)
“How do I hold them?”
“Which fingers should I use?”
“Is there an easier way?”
you ARE missing out!
I got the solution for you
So, the journey began
At first, I focused on teaching people the techniques.
In the process, I learned of the many problems… also came up with the solutions.
"I couldn't find the sports car of my dreams, so I built it myself." - Ferdinand Porsche
“I couldn’t find the chopsticks that people need, so I built them myself.”
- Diane Na💗
So, I created the first iteration of COOL, MODERN chopsticks that are EFFORTLESS to use
Because over 5000 years of history, KOREAN figured that metal is most useful material to enjoy food properly.
What’s not good about sticks made of wood?
Due to nature, porous wood chopsticks will get mold eventually. basically have shorter lifespan.
Do you want to put that into your mouth? Ewww 🤢
but NOT metal handle
I noticed many people struggling to use metal chopsticks.
Ya’ll know metal chopsticks are good but difficult to use.
HENCE, the handle should be NOT METAL.
The SICK STICKS that “stick” to you
Authentic and high-quality Korean chopsticks you can trust.
Modern and stylish chopsticks that reflect high culture
Cuboid handle with sharpie tip is THE design for chopsticks beginners